Injection Molding Surface Finishes

Injection-molded parts are everywhere—from highly cosmetic housings hiding in plain sight to internal components where a fine polish is unnecessary. Most people pay no attention to the surface finish on those parts. But for product designers and engineers, it’s an important design consideration. Identifying the right surface finish is dependent on a few important elements, namely the development or production stage that your parts are in, the materials they’re being manufactured in, and their end-use application.

Injection Molding Surface Finish Classifications

There are several different organizations and companies that have their own standards for grading plastic surface finishes. In the United States, the two most commonly used grading standards come from the Society of the European Plastics Industry (SPI), and the widely used grading standards come from the Association of German Engineers or the Institute of German Engineers (VDI). Anpllocnc can also use Yick Sang standards for plastic surface finishes. Yick Sang is the Chinese equivalent of Mold-Tech or VDI. Any plastic surface finish grading standard rates plastic surface finish from very smooth and reflective to dull and rough.

Standard SPI Injection Molding Finishes

SPI Finish Description Typical Applications Surface Roughness (Ra µm)


Grade #3, 6000 Grit Diamond Buff

High polish or transparent parts, optically clear

0.012 – 0.025


Grade #6, 3000 Grit Diamond Buff

High polish or transparent parts

0.025 – 0.050


Grade #15, 1200 Grit Diamond Buff

High-to-medium polish parts, non-optical lenses

0.050 – 0.100


600 Grit Paper

Medium polish parts

0.05 – 0.10


400 Grit Paper

Medium polish parts

0.10 – 0.15


320 Grit Paper

Medium – low polish parts

0.28 – 0.32


600 Stone

Low polish parts

0.35 – 0.40


400 Stone

Low polish parts

0.45 – 0.55


320 Stone

Low polish parts

0.63 – 0.70


Dry Blast Glass Bead

Satin finish

0.80 – 1.00


Dry Blast #240 Oxide

Dull finish

1.00 – 2.80


Dry Blast #24 Oxide

Dull finish

3.20 – 18.00

Mold-Tech Textured Finishes

Standex Engraving Mold-Tech is a standardized mold texturing option typically used for commercial or saleable goods. Mold-Tech is serialized in four series, A through D. Most commonly the Mold-Tech Series A finishes are used on products as it has a range of fine to coarse matte finishes that do not require laser, masked chemical etching, or other engineered texturing processes. Mold-Tech finishes are categorized by their serial number and texture depth. A more aggressive draft angle is needed with Mold-Tech because mold texturing has more coarse features than SPI finishes, it is recommended to add 1.5° of draft for every 0.001″ of texture depth.

Common Mold-Tech Injection Molding Finishes

Mold-Tech Serial Number Texture Depth (inch) Application Minimum Draft



Dull matte finish




Coarse matte finish




Coarse matte finish

Common VDI Injection Molding Finishes

VDI Value Description Applications Surface Roughness (Ra µm)

VDI 12

600 Stone

Low polish parts


VDI 15

400 Stone

Low polish parts


VDI 18

Dry Blast Glass Bead

Satin finish


VDI 21

Dry Blast # 240 Oxide

Dull finish


VDI 24

Dry Blast # 240 Oxide

Dull finish


VDI 27

Dry Blast # 240 Oxide

Dull finish


VDI 30

Dry Blast # 24 Oxide

Dull finish


VDI 33

Dry Blast # 24 Oxide

Dull finish


VDI 36

Dry Blast # 24 Oxide

Dull finish


VDI 39

Dry Blast # 24 Oxide

Dull finish


VDI 42

Dry Blast # 24 Oxide

Dull finish


VDI 45

Dry Blast # 24 Oxide

Dull finish


Types of Plastic Surface Finish

There are two different ways to achieve a desired plastic surface finish. Texture can be tooled directly into the mold. This is an easy way to ensure every piece has the same finish. It will also reduce cost by eliminating the need for extra post processing. The other way to achieve the desired plastic surface finish is with post processing applications. This can include sanding, bead blasting, or etching.

In-mold texture is used to achieve a uniform plastic surface finish. Custom finishes can be tooled into the mold, whether it is a custom texture or texture in only certain places. Post processing through sanding, etching, or blasting can, in some circumstances, be used on specific sites of the part. A variety of textures and finishes can be achieved on any single part. In-mold texture and post processing are often used together to achieve the desired plastic surface finish.

Finish vs. Texture

The mold tooling, the material characteristics of the injected plastic, and any post-processing will determine the final texture and finish of the part. Texture refers to the pattern in the plastic itself. The finish refers to the overall look of the plastic surface. Plastic surface finishes are typically broken down into four broad categories; dull, matte, semi-gloss, and gloss.

Dull: Rough and unpolished. Very little shine. Used for internal parts. Takes paint well.

Matte: Less rough. Some shine. Also used mostly for internal parts but can be used externally if desired. Takes paint well.

Semi-Gloss: Smooth and shiny appearance. Used for external parts or internal parts that slide or need to be smooth.

Gloss: Very smooth and shiny. Can have mirror-like appearance depending on the plastic material. Used for external parts.

Comprehensive List of Standard Specifications for Surface Finish Service

Specification Surface Finish Service
Available Surface Finishes Smooth, glossy, textured, matte, and patterned
Tolerance ± 0.05 mm
Part Size Up to 1 meter square
Part Weight Up to 5 kg
Material Compatibility Compatible with most plastic materials
Lead Time Typical lead time of 2-4 weeks
Post-Molding Processes Polishing, coatings, painting
Additional Services Assembly and packaging
These are general specifications, and specific requirements may vary depending on the project.

Custom Plastic Surface Finish

Anpllocnc only uses high-quality steel molds for plastic injection molding. Custom textures can be tooled directly into the steel mold. Aluminum molds do not allow for the same amount of customization. In fact, more surface finish options are available with a steel mold than with an aluminum mold. Steel can be polished to a high degree of smoothness to create a smoother surface finish. Steel molds also offer numerous options for surface finishes, including bead blast, etching, matte finish, leather grains, geometric, and graphics.

Need custom injection-molded parts? Get an online quote today.