Investigate best practices for mass production of 7075 aluminum alloy parts

7075 aluminum alloy is commonly used in aviation, automobiles, national defense, and sports equipment due to its lightweight and high-strength properties.  The widespread use of aluminum alloy materials is a significant achievement in modern industry. Consequently, product design engineers encounter challenges when mass-producing 7075 aluminum alloy parts. These challenges may involve material selection, processing technology, quality control, and sustainability. This article will discuss these issues and provide engineers with strategies and best practices to overcome these challenges, ensuring high-quality, efficient, and eco-friendly production.

Characteristics and Advantages of 7075 Aluminum Alloy

7075 aluminum alloy is a high-strength alloy composed of aluminum, zinc, magnesium, and copper. It contains 90.0% aluminum, 5.6% zinc, 2.5% magnesium, 0.23% chromium, and 1.6% copper (percentages can be adjusted to meet specific requirements). This alloy has a density of 2.81 g/cm3 (0.102 lb/cubic inch) and is one of the strongest alloys available today.

Its strength makes it highly valuable in high-stress situations. The 7075 aluminum alloy has a high copper content, which increases its susceptibility to corrosion. However, through a heat treatment process, also known as “tempering,” the alloy can achieve even better mechanical properties. This involves subjecting the metal to high temperatures (300-500°C) to modify its crystal structure.

The material composition of 7075 aluminum alloy grants it remarkable strength, light weight, and corrosion resistance, setting it apart from other alloys. 7075 aluminum alloy is known for its remarkable strength, withstanding intense stresses and high loads without deforming or cracking. It’s an ideal choice for large-scale part production,

reducing weight while maintaining strength. Industries such as aerospace, automotive manufacturing, and sports equipment sectors rely on the 7075 alloy to increase fuel efficiency, reduce transportation costs, and improve performance.

The distinct advantages of 7075 aluminum alloy have made it a preferred material in the aerospace, automotive, and defense industries. Compared to heavy-duty steel and high-cost titanium alloys, 7075 aluminum alloy is lightweight, cost-effective, and easy to process, making it an ideal choice for a range of industrial applications.

Material Selection and Specifications

When selecting the 7075 aluminum alloy for large-scale part production, it is crucial to consider the application field, design needs, and cost constraints. Before choosing the 7075 aluminum alloy, it is essential to identify the intended application field for the part. Each field has different material performance requirements. For instance, the aerospace sector may demand greater strength and lighter weight, whereas the automotive industry may prioritize cost-effectiveness.

Design specifications are established based on the field of application, which covers the shape, size, load capacity, corrosion resistance, and other component requirements. Additionally, one must also take into account budgetary and cost limitations. Due to varying specifications and processing techniques of 7075 aluminum alloys, prices may differ and a performance versus cost trade-off may arise.

A grasp of material processing methods is necessary, as alloy processing and heat treatment techniques greatly affect material properties. The strength and toughness of 7075 aluminum alloy can be adjusted through processes like solution treatment and aging treatment to meet specific application requirements.

When producing large-scale parts, common 7075 aluminum alloy specifications are 7075-T6 and 7075-T651. Notably, 7075-T6 has undergone solid solution treatment and artificial aging treatment, resulting in excellent strength and corrosion resistance. 7075-T651 has undergone solid solution and natural aging treatments, resulting in increased strength and hardness. The appropriate size selection will vary depending on specific application needs. For example, when a higher hardness is required, 7075-T651 may be the best choice.

Ensuring quality control of raw materials is crucial in preventing impurities and defects from interfering with the manufacturing process as the quality of raw materials directly impacts the performance and reliability of the final product.

Choice of processing technology

Choice of processing technology: When it comes to choosing the right processing technology for your business, there are several factors to consider. First, you must determine your processing needs and decide whether a central processing unit (CPU) or graphics processing unit (GPU) will better suit your needs. Additionally, you may want to consider the size and scalability of the processing technology, as well as its energy efficiency and cost. Ultimately, the choice of processing technology will depend on many individual factors unique to your business and its specific processing requirements.

If you intend to manufacture a large number of parts using 7075 aluminum alloy, it’s crucial to select the appropriate manufacturing technology that reduces processing time and ensures high-quality parts. The processing techniques used for aluminum alloy parts include milling, turning, cold stamping, hot stamping, and laser cutting, which offer specific advantages and applications.

Skilled operators and proper processing techniques can help you minimize material waste. This involves selecting tools and cutting parameters, optimizing fixture design, and properly applying cutting fluids and cooling systems. With the evolution of automation, digitalization, and intelligent production technology, engineers have access to various processing techniques that enhance manufacturing efficiency and accuracy.

CNC milling is a common process for shaping 7075 aluminum alloy parts. The material is removed via rotation of the tool to obtain the desired shape. Milling is a great way to make intricate shapes and is perfect for bulk production.

CNC Turning is cost-effective and highly efficient, especially for large-scale manufacturing. CNC turning utilizes rotating tools to craft cylindrical components such as shafts and sleeves.

Cold Stamping uses a punch machine to shape 7075 aluminum alloy sheets at room temperature, producing parts through deformation. This method is optimal for high-volume production and parts necessitating high consistency and precision, particularly in the automotive industry.

Hot stamping allows for more durable and long-lasting manufacturing. Hot stamping is a similar process to cold stamping, but it is executed under high-temperature conditions and is commonly utilized for making intricate automotive safety components.

Laser cutting: This non-contact cutting method is utilized to cut and engrave aluminum alloy plates with high precision, speed, and a low heat-affected zone. It is suitable for fabricating complex part contours and holes.

CNC machining tools can accurately manufacture parts through computer control, allowing for complex shapes and sizes with high control and repeatability.

Additionally, robotic machining is another option for fabrication. Using robots to perform tasks like cutting, drilling, and grinding can enhance processing efficiency and consistency, making it suitable for mass production.

These processing methods are typical techniques for machining aluminum parts. Each technique has distinct advantages and areas of application. Therefore, engineers need to consider part geometry, dimensions, material properties, and production requirements when selecting a machining technique. By considering these factors, engineers can select the most suitable method for their project to ensure efficient and high-quality production of parts made from the 7075 aluminum alloy.

The Importance of a Design Engineer

The role of a design engineer is vital in all industries, as their work is essential to the project’s success. This is critical to achieving project success.

Regardless of whether they are designing a new product or improving an existing one, they must follow design guidelines and best practices to ensure structural stability, rational hole design, and optimized wall thickness.  Therefore, it is crucial for the manufacturing team to collaborate closely to ensure alignment between the design and actual manufacturing process, reducing costs and time lost from design changes. Design simulation and prototyping can help identify issues early on and enhance the product.

Quality Control and Inspection

Ensuring the quality of aluminum alloy components requires rigorous quality control and inspection. This involves adhering to various inspection standards and methods, such as non-destructive testing, X-ray testing, and ultrasonic testing, to meet quality standards.


In addition, manufacturers must regularly conduct online monitoring and process control to promptly identify and resolve issues during the manufacturing process. If nonconforming products occur, establish procedures to mitigate their impact on production. This includes handling and implementing improvement measures. Therefore, prioritizing the manufacturer’s process management capabilities is crucial. The next section offers a brief description of typical aluminum alloy parts manufacturing inspection methods.


One of these methods is non-destructive testing (NDT). Non-destructive testing methods, such as ultrasonic, eddy current, and magnetic particle testing, are frequently employed to detect surface and internal flaws in 7075 aluminum alloy components. These methods are non-invasive, rendering them ideal for identifying issues such as cracks, holes, and impurities.


Furthermore, X-ray inspection enables scrutiny of the internal structure and welds of 7075 aluminum alloy components for the identification of minute defects such as small cracks or bubbles. Typically, complying with ASTM E1255 standards requires the use of X-ray inspection.


Ultrasonic Testing utilizes high-frequency sound waves to detect internal defects in 7075 aluminum alloy parts, as well as measure the thickness of parts and detect welding issues in accordance with the ASTM E164 standard.


Machine Vision Systems employ cameras and image processing software to examine the appearance and dimensions of parts. This tool identifies surface defects, shape deviations, and dimensional issues of 7075 aluminum alloy parts. The standard values align with project-specific requirements.

Coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) verify the conformity of the geometry of parts to design specifications by measuring their three-dimensional shape and size.  Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) are utilized to measure the three-dimensional shape and size of parts in order to verify that their geometry conforms to design specifications. This conformity often requires adherence to the ISO 10360 standard.


Additionally, a Metallographic Microscope can be employed A metallographic microscope is used to examine the metallographic structure of 7075 aluminum alloy and detect grain size, boundaries, and microscopic features to assess the material’s quality.


 to determine hardness using either the Rockwell or Brinell hardness test. The specific hardness value selected is dependent on the requirements of the application.


Quality control, inspection methods, and standard values may vary depending on the project and industry. Thus, engineers must select appropriate testing methods and standards according to specific circumstances to guarantee the quality of 7075 aluminum alloy parts meets the requirements and complies with relevant industry standards and regulations.

Sustainability and the Environment

Sustainability and the environment are increasingly important in modern manufacturing. Recycling 7075 aluminum alloy materials helps reduce resource consumption and waste. Additionally, it is important to consider energy-saving and emission-reducing practices, such as utilizing green energy sources and optimizing production processes. Complying with environmental certifications and standards, such as ISO 14001, can enhance a business’s reputation for sustainability.

Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to more effectively manage expenses as project leader

To do so, you must have a comprehensive understanding of the cost structure, including raw materials, labor, equipment, and energy.  Calculating the ROI is necessary to evaluate long-term return on investment and cost savings when adopting new technology. This analysis also enables you to assess market price trends and risks and formulate competitive pricing strategies.


When mass-producing parts made from 7075 aluminum alloy, engineers designing products must thoroughly consider material properties, processing technology, quality control, and inspection. Due to its high strength, light weight, corrosion resistance, and machinability, 7075 aluminum alloy has become a preferred material for mass producing parts. Therefore, when choosing 7075 aluminum alloy, it is crucial to consider the application, design requirements, cost limitations, and the selected alloy processing and heat treatment methods.

As for the processing technology, milling, turning, cold stamping, hot stamping, laser cutting, CNC machining, and robotic processing all have their own benefits, depending on the part’s shape and requirements. Quality control and inspection methods ensure that the final product performs reliably. Comprehensive consideration of these factors guarantees engineers’ ability to produce high-quality 7075 aluminum alloy parts that meet diverse application requirements, improve product performance, and reduce production expenses.