
Aluminum alloy is a non-ferrous metal structural material with a mass fraction below 0.5% and above 0.2%, widely used in the industry. CNC machining of aluminum alloy is a process method to efficiently machine aluminum alloy parts on CNC machines, which can meet the requirements of aluminum alloy machining for high precision. Aluminum parts have become increasingly popular in many industries because of their excellent strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and electrical conductivity. CNC milling has become the technology of choice in manufacturing to manufacture aluminum alloy parts with high precision and efficiency. This article will discuss how to perform CNC milling of aluminum alloy parts, including the machining process, tools to be used, parameters, and things to keep in mind.

What is an aluminum alloy part?

Aluminum alloy parts are made from aluminum alloys, a mixture of aluminum and other metals. These alloys have a unique combination of mechanical properties that make them suitable for various applications. The most common aluminum alloys used in manufacturing include 6061, 7075, and 2024. Depending on the specific application, these alloys have varying strengths, corrosion resistance, and machinability.

Specific machining processes for CNC milling of aluminum parts

The machining process for CNC milling aluminum parts consists of several steps. First, the aluminum alloy material is fixed on the CNC milling machine, and the machine is set up with the appropriate tools and parameters. Then the cutting process begins, where the machine uses a cutting tool to remove excess material from the workpiece. The cutting tools used for aluminum parts are usually made of carbide or high-speed steel.

During the cutting process, the machine must be set up with the proper parameters, such as spindle speed, feed rate, and depth of cut, to ensure that the part is milled accurately and efficiently. Aluminum alloys can use higher spindle speeds and feed rates than other materials because they have a lower melting point and are easier to machine.

After milling, the aluminum alloy part is checked for quality and accuracy. If adjustments are needed, the machine is reset with the appropriate parameters and tools, and the process is repeated until the desired results are achieved.

Matters to note when CNC milling aluminum alloy parts

There are several points to consider when milling aluminum parts by CNC. First, the material must be properly secured to the machine to prevent movement during cutting. Any movement can lead to inaccuracies and affect the quality of the final product.

Second, the cutting tool must be carefully selected to suit the processed aluminum alloy. Different aluminum alloys have different hardnesses and machinability, affecting the cutting tool choice.

Third, the machine must be set to the proper parameters to ensure the part is accurately and efficiently milled. The parameters used affect the surface finish, tool life, and the overall quality of the part.

Finally, the proper cutting fluid must be used to reduce friction and heat during the cutting process. This can extend the cutting tool’s life and improve the final product’s quality.

Summing up

CNC milling has revolutionized manufacturing, allowing for the production of aluminum parts with high accuracy and efficiency. By following the correct machining process and paying attention to the important points in the cutting process, manufacturers can ensure the production of high-quality and accurate parts. As technology advances, CNC milling aluminum parts will become more streamlined, efficient, and economical. Please get in touch with us directly on our website for CNC machining of aluminum parts.